TinySetup is a lightweight installer written in C. All the software published on our website is packaged with TinySetup. Setup loader is only 24KB, small, simple and straightforward.
; run "tsc setup.tss" in command line to create installer. [Setup] OutputFile=dvdforge_%v.exe AppName=DVDForge AppVersion=%v AppMutex=DVDForge_Mutex AppClassName=DVDForgeClass Publisher=Yubsoft MainExe=dvdforge.exe Native64BitApp=1 Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes InstallParam=-xi UninstallParam=-xu [Languages] Default.ini French.ini Italian.ini [Files] x86\*=flags:x86 x64\*=flags:x64 language\*.ini=language license.txt
Version 1.4.0 2024-06-02 Fixed nothing happened when clicking next if one or more of the intermediate folders do not exist Changed dialog font from "MS Shell Dlg" to "Segoe UI" Version 1.3.0 2023-09-22 Fixed setupldr for ARM64 failed to run (manifest issue) Fixed a memory leak in tsc.exe